The Women’s Travel Group Wishes you a Wonderful Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws and well-being of the country. (Wikipedia). We all know Labor Day as the unofficial end of Summer and the beginning of planning for the Autumn and Winter.

Labor Day is also about women and our contributions to our country. Many of us work while bringing up children and caring for elderly relatives. Many of us had jobs while in school, college or grad school. We volunteer more than men do and we are just taking our first major yet difficult steps into political power positions.

So lets honor us women also, working diligently for 80.5% of what men earn. And forgoing indulgences while we give to our families and friends.

Lets honor ourselves this weekend. Think about what you feel you are worth. Then go ahead and give yourself the travels you always wanted.

The Women’s Travel Group donates to women’s and girls’ causes. We are proud to be able to share in our good fortune. And we are proud that women support our trips so we can support others. Pat yourself on the back this weekend.  For last minute trips this Autumn, check our tour schedule at  or call us at 646 309 5607. Email is